Testing the Software

1. Verify ASCOM has been installed correctly and is connected to WWT. Confirm that in WWT, the word Installed appears below the ASCOM logo on the telescope page. 

  • If Not Installed appears: WWT may need to be restarted after ASCOM is installed for Installed to appear. If restarting WWT does not fix the problem, try reinstalling ASCOM.

  • This does not test the Celestron Driver Software which also must be installed before connecting the telescope, assuming you are using a Celestron telescope.

2. Set up the telescope simulator in WWT. In the telescope tab, click on Choose and select Simulator from the drop-down menu. The application will prompt you to click on Properties. Enter the correct settings (as shown below). Once the window appears as below, click OK.

  •  Before beginning to edit the Advanced settings, check the Version 1 Only box.

3. Connect the virtual telescope to the application. Back on the WWT telescope page, click on Connect and the telescope controls should no longer be greyed out. A new window should also have opened (you may have to access it from the taskbar at the bottom of the screen) and it should have red numbers on it, giving information such as RA and Dec. 

  • If there are no numbers: Try closing the small window, clicking Disconnect, restarting WWT and start the process over again.

4. Test the functionality of the virtual telescope. In the search tab of WWT, search for Polaris and double click on the tile to move WWT to the star. After WWT has finished moving, click on Slew in the telescope tab and you should see the red numbers change (instantly, since the slew rate is set to instant). Also try pressing on the different buttons (N/S/E/W in the telescope tab) and seeing if the numbers move. If both of these tests work, then WWT and ASCOM are working together successfully. You are now able to connect your physical telescope.